Gallery - Oil Paintings
Click on the thumbnail images below to see the whole of each painting.
Prices for work are shown or available through the links to the galleries where displayed.
Sale items lie toward the end of the page, above sold works.
In addition to exhibited work, I also take commissions - please contact me to discuss.
OIl on linen box canvas - 60cm x 60cm
Oil on Board - 30cm x 30cm plus frame Enquire to the artist
Oil on box canvas - 100cm x 100cm plus frame. Enquire to the artist
OIl on linen board - 40cm x 40cm
Oil on linen board - 30cm x 30cm
Oil on linen canvas - 100cm x 100cm
Oil on wooden blocks in box frames - 15cm x 15cm each.
Oil on box canvas - 80cm x 75cm plus frame
Oil on board - 20cm x 20cm
Oil on box canvas - 60cm x 60cm
Oil on linen board. 40cm x 40cm plus frame
Oil on Board - 20cm x 20cm plus frame
Oil on box canvas. 120cm x 120cm Enquire to the artist
Oil on board - 40cm x 40cm plus frame
Oil on board - 60cm x 60cm plus frame
Oil on box canvas - 100cm x 100cm plus frame Enquire to the artist
Oil on box canvas - 75cm x 75cm plus frame Enqire to the artist
Oil on linen canvas - 100cm x 100cm plus frame Enquire to the artist
Oil on Board - 30cm x 30cm plus frame Enquire to the artist
Oil on Board - 50cm x 50cm plus frame. Enquire to the artist